High-Quality Cashews
Trader and Exporter of Cashew Kernels.

King Size
Grade – W 180
“King of Cashew Nuts” is the top one on the list, preferred and demanded
by cashew lovers who prefer big size cashew nuts. Simply crispy
and tasty nuts packed in air tight containers perfectly sealed to preserve
original taste.
Packing and Packaging as per Requirement

Jumbo Size
Grade – W 210
Crowned as “Jumbo-sized cashew nuts” is a delight for people, who love to Gift & Serve on Special Occasion. Simply crispy and tasty nuts packed in air-tight containers perfectly sealed to preserve the original taste.
Packing and Packaging as per Requirement

Standard Size
Grade – W 240
It’s Attractive Grade of Cashew nuts that may be termed as “Standard size cashew nuts” is an ideal size between Large & Small Size Cashews. It falls in the mid-range in terms of both the pricing and the quality. “Feel-Good” cashews are second most popular cashews consumed by die hard cashew lovers on all occasions.
Packing and Packaging as per Requirement

Regular Size
Grade – W 320
Ideal Grade of Cashew nuts is a perfect “Regular size” Perfect fit for a Pocket and Best to Taste is no wonder world preferred cashew. Truly household cashews are meant for sharing with family and friends. It ranks high in consumer preference because of its affordable price and its size.
Packing and Packaging as per Requirement

Nano Size
Grade – W 400
Mini Size Cashews perfectly referred to as “Nano cashews” are small miniature large cashews with attractive shapes. Shopped as munching nuts by price-conscious customers around the world, the grade of cashew serves a rich and original taste. Simply crispy and tasty nuts packed in air-tight con
Packing and Packaging as per Requirement

2 Half Cashew
Grade – Special JH
Perfect Shaped 2 Piece Cashews know as “JH Cashews” are ideally preferred for garnishing exotic food and exclusive sweets. Highly in demand from Hotel Industry and Sweet Shops these cashews are also stored in every kitchen for daily use.
Packing and Packaging as per Requirement
Get Nutrition Enriched Cashews
We are one of the largest exporters of fresh vegetables from India. Our farm-fresh vegetable products are very well accepted in the global markets from retail chains, supermarkets to large scale food processing giants.